

Margie headshot 1

Margie Heath is an avid reader and short story writer. She loves all things literary and has a deep appreciation for art. She is passionate about all forms of artistic expression. She considers it to be an honor to lead the team of Red Clay Literary Society.

Assistant editor

Jackie Vari

Art editor

Lily Peterson

Editorial board

Rachel Davis

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Mykela Scott loves to explore multiple mediums in her art, and is an avid bookworm. As an aspiring author, she is excited to learn and grow in such an inspiring and uplifting atmosphere, and to help foster creativity and passion as a member of Red Clay Literary Magazine.

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Drew Wood is a first year and international student. Her two favorite things to do are sleep and read fiction stories. As an editorial board member, she hopes to serve both the literary community and the magazine well.

Madeline Young

Faculty sponsor

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Carrie Brown is both a professor of English and Creative Writing at Sweet Briar and a writer, having published seven novels and a book of short stories. You can learn more about her work as an author here.